About me:

I live in Austin, Texas. You can usually find me patio dining, reading, dabbling in art, or on a hike or bike trail.

I’ve worked in the tech space as an operations leader for the past 15 years. I love doing what I do, and feel lucky to be here. Solving complex challenges, bringing to life business and revenue strategies, and building process into an organization is my jam. I’m a builder at heart, and no problem is too big to solve. I lead teams with a growth mindset and curiosity, placing a strong emphasis on excellence. Prior to tech, I worked in professional theatre for a couple of years after obtaining my Bachelor of Arts in Theatre degree.

Growth mindset and curiosity are my top values, with “Input” is my top Clifton strength. I enjoy seeking out new information and applying it to my personal and professional life and aim to share these learnings here on this blog.